Published inImageEngine3 Core Features to Look for in an Image CDNLearn about the 3 core features of a high performing cdn for images. 1) Mobile support, 2) CDN not a DAM, 3) next gen formats(webp/avif)Apr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021
Published inImageEngineThe New AVIF Image Format — A Blessing in Disguise for Website Owners and End-UsersThe new AVIF image format is the latest offering in the field of web design. Let me elucidate how this ingenious image format can become a…Nov 18, 2020Nov 18, 2020
Using ImageEngine with Jamstack VercelVercel is a deployment and hosting platform aimed at helping Jamstack developers get their web applications up and running in as little…Nov 3, 2020Nov 3, 2020
Client Hints and Feature PoliciesMany moving parts related to Client Hints were enabled by default in Chrome version 84. Starting in this version, access to Client Hints…May 26, 2020May 26, 2020
Published inImageEngineImpact of Unoptimized Images on Your StoreAccording to a recent large-scale research performed by Google, pages from the retail sector, on average, are one of the slowest to load.May 12, 2020May 12, 2020
Published inImageEngineHow to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of Your Website by 50%Reduce the Carbon Footprint of your Website by 50%Mar 26, 2020Mar 26, 2020
UA-Client-Hints and Progressive EnhancementThe proposed UA-Client-Hints and User-Agent deprecation discriminate the server and makes effective Progressive enhancement harder.Feb 7, 2020Feb 7, 2020
Client Hints replacing the User-AgentI’ve been following the development of this initiative from Google more or less since it was first filed as a note on Github.Jan 16, 2020Jan 16, 2020
Published inImageEngineFaster Image Delivery with Chrome’s Lite Mode10% of your users have Light Mode enabled. Does your image CDN respect it? See the difference an image CDN like ImageEngine can make.Nov 16, 2019Nov 16, 2019
Published inImageEngineImageEngine Secret Sauce — mpulpLast couple of years I’ve been occupied by making ImageEngine the most efficient CDN for image delivery. Competing with Digital Asset…Aug 2, 2019Aug 2, 2019